Winter Weather Hub

Visit the Winter Weather Hub to get updates on road conditions, snow emergencies, waste collection, winter safety tips, and warming center locations.

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Web Portal

The Office of Ethics and Accountability enables the portal users (lobbyists, county employees, designated officials and other users like county residents and nonresidents) to complete, sign and submit the electronic forms listed below.


Online Account

Financial Disclosure Statement filers and potential Lobbyists must create an account to register prior to filing. If you have already created an account login. Visit our web portal to create an account or login. A login is required to access the Lobbyist, Financial Disclosure and other employee forms.


Ethics Complaint

Prior to submitting an ethics complaint, please review our Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Illegal Acts page for information regarding Investigations and complete the online Ethics Complaint Form here.


Ethics Advice

Prior to submitting a request for formal or informal advice, please review information regarding ethics advice process and complete the online Ethics Advice Form here.


Lobbyist Forms

Prior to submitting lobbyist registration, annual report or notice of termination, please read our Overview on Lobbying page and find more information on our Lobbying Registration and Reporting page. You can complete the online Lobbyists Forms here.

Financial Disclosure Statements

Designated positions required to file Financial Disclosure Statements are listed in the County’s Code of Ethics and by County Executive Order and are maintained as public records by the Office of Ethics and Accountability, available for public review with notification to the subject of the review. Individuals must file by April 30th of each year for the preceding calendar year (covering December 1 through January 31).

Prior to submitting financial disclosure statements or affirmations, read our Financial Disclosures Page for information about who must file or when and where to file. You can complete the Forms here.


Secondary Employment Forms

Any official or person subject to the provisions of the Code of Ethics may request an advisory opinion from the Board on prospective actions, which are published with the identity of the person requesting the opinion deleted, unless the requester consents to disclosure. Individuals may also request informal opinions from the Office of Ethics and Accountability that may be appealed to the five-member Board.

You can complete the online Secondary Employment Forms here.

If you have any questions while completing these forms, please contact the Office of Ethics and Accountability (OEA) at 301-883-3445.

Contact Us

  1. Todd M. Turner, Esq.

    Executive Director

    Phone: 301-883-3445 

  2. Ethics & Accountability

    Physical Address 
    9201 Basil Court
    Suite 155
    Largo, MD 20774 
    Phone: 301-883-3445 Fax: 301-883-3450 

    Walk-ins are welcome during office business hours.


    855-224-0736 or

    301-883-6591 (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

