Winter Weather Hub

Visit the Winter Weather Hub to get updates on road conditions, snow emergencies, waste collection, winter safety tips, and warming center locations.

Visit the Hub


Pets & Animals

Animal Licensing Payments

Pay animal licensing fees for new or renewing licenses

Animal Management Citation Payments

Pay animal management citations.

Animal Shelter Donations

Donate to the Animal Shelters in Prince George's County.


Citations & Tickets

Administrative Citations

Inspections are conducted in response to property maintenance complaints. Should a violation be identified, a notice of violation or civil citation is then issued.

Parking Ticket Payments

Find out how to pay for your parking violation.


Services & Invoices

County Invoice Payments

Have you received an invoice from the County? Pay all accounts receivable invoices here (not for property taxes or purchase of licenses/permits).

Family Services Payments

Make payments to the Circuit Court for Family Services.

Permits & License Payments

Make payments online through Momentum (pay here if your permit or citation includes letters). If your application or citation does not contain letters, you must use this link to pay: ePayments.

Property Tax Payments

Gather information and pay your property taxes online.

Public Safety Recording Request

Request an audio recording from the Public Safety Department.



Summer Youth Program Donations

Invest in our future. Donate to the summer youth programs.