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Sustainable Energy


Sustainable Energy is now accepting NEW Grant applications for our Clean Energy – Energy Efficiency Grant for Natural Gas incentives only. Applications for Electric incentives are not currently available. Please be advised that applications for our Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Water Heater Grants will remain on a moratorium until further notice. 

If you have any questions, email us at


Electric Vehicles (EV)

Read about County efforts promoting and adopting EVs, including how to find a public charger, residential incentives, and resources for those interested in transitioning away from fossil fuel.


Who We Are

Sustainable Energy's objective is to provide reliable and environmentally sound energy solutions that enhance the quality of life of Prince George’s County residents while concomitantly maximizing energy savings. The program coordinates the County’s efforts to reduce the three Cs of energy: consumption, cost, and Carbon emissions


Goals and Objectives

  • Reduce County-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) or carbon emissions by 80% below 2008 levels by 2050; 
  • Meet 20% of County government building's electricity demand with distributed, renewable energy generation by 2022;
  • Help grant recipients achieve at least 15% energy savings for energy efficiency projects and 10% energy savings for solar projects;
  • Help grant recipients reduce energy consumption by 20% or greater for office buildings and multifamily dwellings.  
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Guiding Themes

The County government has set forth actionable strategies to lead by example and help facilitate broad residents’ participation in becoming more energy-conscious and efficient throughout the community. The following themes have emerged that inform the selection of strategies and measures. 

Build on Existing Efforts

The County has already implemented several initiatives, programs, and policies that support efficiency and climate protection goals. The guiding laws, policies, and plans seek to combine those existing County efforts under one framework, suggest improvements or augmentations, and add new efforts where gaps exist.

Alignment with County Goals and Priorities

The County has a responsibility to deliver high-quality core services that encourage economic development, create jobs, and generally improve the quality of life for County residents.

Engage the Community

Developing far-reaching solutions necessary to achieve significant GHG reductions will require coordinated and broad participation of residents, businesses, municipal governments, and the other institutions that makeup Prince George’s County. This calls for significant outreach and communication efforts and the establishment of public/private partnerships to help build resilient communities.

Build Capacity in the Energy Sector

Sustainable Energy seeks to exemplify the nexus between the county's energy, economic development, and job creation initiatives. Staff work closely with the business community, including diverse suppliers and county-based businesses, to build an advanced energy economy.


Sustainable Energy - Clean Energy Program

Energy Efficiency (Natural Gas Incentives Now Available), Solar PV, & Solar Water Heater Grants
The Clean Energy Program builds on Maryland and Prince George's County's energy-efficiency and carbon reduction goals. It will help make our County more energy resilient by using a holistic approach to break energy injustice and barriers. We offer residents within the Pepco and Washington Gas service territory of these nine neighborhoods, classified as Energy Resiliency Communities (ERCs), the ability to apply for grants to perform energy efficiency retrofits and, subsequently, install solar photovoltaic (PV) and/or water heater systems.

Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21 defines resiliency as "the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions". From an energy perspective, resiliency is the ability to prepare for and adapt to utility disruptions and recover quickly from these disruptions. It involves deploying distributed energy resources such as energy efficiency, renewable energy such as solar PV and thermal, battery storage, and microgrids. To learn more, select 

ENERGY STAR Certification & Green Leasing Grant
Sustainable Energy provides grants to existing office and multifamily building owners who are Pepco and/or Washington Gas customers to perform energy and water efficiency retrofits and obtain the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s ENERGY STAR certification. The building owners are also to adopt various best practices in Green Leasing to motivate landlords and tenants to engage in energy-efficient practices.

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Guiding Policies and Plans

Smart Energy Communities Policy & Action Plan

The Smart Energy Communities Policy and Petroleum Reduction and Renewable Energy Action Plan declares the County's intent to lead in reducing transportation petroleum consumption and increasing renewable energy generation by partnering with the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) and enrolling as a Smart Energy Community. 

Climate Change

Sustainable Energy works closely with our regional partner, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, on various initiatives, such as developing the regional and county-wide GHG emissions inventory. Prince George's County surpassed the regional 2012 goal, demonstrating that GHG reductions are possible even as the population and economy grow. As of April 2018, despite experiencing an 8% growth in population, GHG emissions reduced from 11.3 MMTCO2e (million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) in 2005 to 9.9 MMTCO2e in 2015, representing an overall decrease of 12% within Prince George's County

Plan Prince George's 2035 - Energy Infrastructure Chapter

Plan Prince George's 2035 builds on the County's General Plan to help guide future growth, development, and public investments. It establishes policies and strategies to encourage investment in energy infrastructure, renewable energy, and smart grid technologies and promote the efficient use of energy resources. 

Clean Energy in County Government

Sustainable Energy has installed over 1MW of solar on government properties and will install an additional 4MW over the next 2 years. We’ve partnered with Prince George’s County Public School to install its first solar systems. Moreover, Sustainable Energy works with various county agencies and utilities to install public-purpose electric vehicle charging stations on government properties.  Click here , Transforming County Government , to learn more about government clean energy projects.


Quick Links

Ask the Energy Coach
Finding a Pepco Service Provider
Finding a Washington Gas Service Provider
Green Energy Loan Fund
Home Performance Contractor
Sustainable Energy Workforce Development Program


Contact Us

1801 McCormick Drive, Suite 500
Largo, MD 20774
Phone: 301-883-6450

Erica Bannerman
Manager, Sustainable Energy
Phone: 301- 883-5810