Green Book

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The Prince George's County Green Book is designed to help County-Based Small Businesses (CBSBs) and County-Based Minority Business Enterprises (CBMBEs) find procurement opportunities within the County Government.

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Document Table of Contents

Profile Pages

  • General Government/Courts

    Includes Office of the County Executive, County Council, Office of Ethics & Accountability, Office of the Personnel Board, Office of Finance, Office of Community Relations, Office of Human Rights, Office of Management & Budget, Board of License Commission, Office of Law, Office of Human Resource Management, Office of Information Technology, Office of Elections, Office of Central Services, Circuit Court, Orphans’ Court, Police Accountability Board, Administrative Charging Committee

  • Public Safety
    Includes Department of Corrections, Police Department, Homeland Security, Fire/EMS Department, Office of the State's Attorney, Office of the Sheriff
  • Environment
    Includes Department of Environment, Soil Conservation
  • Human Services
    Includes Department of Family Services, Department of Health, Social Services
  • Infrastructure/Development
    Includes Department of Public Works & Transportation, Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement, Department of Housing & Community Development, Redevelopment Authority
  •  FY24 Procurement Forecasts
  • Green Book Dashboard Overview
  • Appendices

Green Book Archives