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SIT Reports

A Safety Investigation Team (SIT) report is generated by a designated team of individuals, appointed by the Fire Chief to conduct an investigation of the cause and circumstances of a situation that results in serious injury, line-of-duty death, or a serious accident. The responsibility shall include collecting and reviewing information on the incident, developing reports on causal factors, and making recommendations for policy and procedural changes intended to reduce the possibility of future occurrences.

A Safety Investigation Team (SIT) typically includes representatives from various Commands within the agency. These include: • Departmental Safety Officer or Designee • Emergency Services Command Deputy Chief or Designee • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Supervisor (or on-duty EMS officer at the time of the incident investigation) • Fire Investigator • Local 1619 Representative (company level officer) • Volunteer Safety Officer • Volunteer Association (PGCVFRA) Representative • Other individuals assigned by the Fire Chief with special qualifications.  

The goals of the Safety Investigation Team (SIT) are to determine the direct and indirect causal factors that resulted in a serious injury, line-of-duty death, or a serious accident in order to prevent future occurrences of a similar nature.