Winter Weather Hub

Visit the Winter Weather Hub to get updates on road conditions, snow emergencies, waste collection, winter safety tips, and warming center locations.

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American Rescue Plan Act

Rank expenditures Weight
Address Negative Economic Impacts - Respond to economic harms to workers, families, small businesses, impacted industries, and the public sector
Broadband Infrastructure - Make necessary investments to provide unserved or underserved locations with new or expanded broadband access
Premium Pay for Essential Workers - Offer additional support to those who have and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors
Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss - Use funds to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic
Support Public Health Response - Fund COVID-19 mitigation efforts, medical expenses, behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff
Water and Sewer Infrastructure - Make necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water and invest in wastewater and stormwater infrastructure

  1. Based on the ARPA guidance provided, please select which area(s) of expenditures you would like Prince George’s County to prioritize (rank responses from 1-6 with the #1 being most important)
