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Interior Nat Harbor

Local Preferences

Preference System
The Housing Authority uses the following preference system:
  • Residency preferences for families who live, work or have been hired to work in the jurisdiction.
  • Displaced by government action.
  • Head of Household or Co-head has paid employment at least 30 hours per week.
  • Head of Household or Co-head are 62 years of age or older.
  • Head of Household or Co-head qualify as handicapped or disabled.
  • Any member of the household is medically verified as disabled/handicapped.
  • Head of Household or Co-head is a verified full time training or educational program with the intent of securing employment within the next 12 months as a result of completing the program.
  • Household has successfully completed a transitional housing program under the Prince George's County Continuum of Care Program. For the purposes of the above local preferences, a spouse may be a co-head. All families with children and families who include an elderly person or a person with a disability shall be given a selection priority over all other applicants.