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Lobbyist Registrations and Annual Reports

County Ethics Code Sec. 2-291(9) defines lobbying as: (A) communicating in the presence of a County official or employee with the intent to influence any official action of that official or employee; or (B) engaging in activities having the express purpose of soliciting others to communicate with a County official or employee with the intent to influence that official or employee.

Lobbyist are required to register with the OEA on or before the calendar year they expect to lobby or within five (5) days of being retained to lobby. County Ethics Code Sec. 2-295(a). The deadline to submit annual reports for all lobbying activity is January 31st of each calendar year for the prior year.   Lobbyists who fail to register and/or file reports can be assessed a late fee of $10.00 per day up to a maximum of $250.00 per violation.  County Ethics Code Sec. 2-292(k).

Lobbyists are required to register and report through OEA's Web Portal here.

Registered Lobbyists and Reports