![Interior Nat Harbor](/sites/default/files/media-image/interior_natHarbor_1.jpg)
Surplus Real Property Program
County surplus property is governed by the County Code Section 2-111.01, updated under CB-061-2023 which authorizes the County Executive to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any County-owned real property, when such property is no longer needed for County use or when the proposed disposition is in furtherance of a public purpose.
The Redevelopment Authority of Prince George’s County (RDA) is the agency appointed by County Council to administer the disposition of such properties declared surplus with the following goals:
- Eliminate maintenance responsibility for the County
- Create potential for sales revenue
- Increase the County tax base
Identify sites for strategic development opportunities
Questions/Inquiries on the Surplus Real Property Program can be emailed to:
SurplusRPP@co.pg.md.us or Leave Voice Mail: 301-883-3198