Aging and Disabilities Services Division
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There are a growing number of people who are faced with making life-changing decisions for themselves and elderly family members. The Aging and Disabilities Services Division provides and supports a broad range of services and programs for older adults and their families.
The purpose of the Aging and Disabilities Services Division is to support older adults so they can maintain the highest possible quality of life with independence and dignity, and to assist seniors and their family members with the many challenges of the aging process. The Aging and Disabilities Services Division acts as the first resource you can turn to for help. In Prince George’s County, the Aging and Disabilities Services Division is part of the Department of Family Services. The Aging and Disabilities Services Division provides the following services and programs for older adults and their families.
Resource Guide for Older Adults
Family Caregiving Program
The Family Caregiving Program provides assistance to caregivers, which may include family, friends, and members of the community, with the access to support groups, problem solving, education, and respite care.
State Health Insurance Program
The State Health Insurance Program offers health insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers. Senior Medicare Patrol is designed to prevent healthcare fraud and abuse.
Health Promotion, Wellness & Evidence-Based Self-Management Programs
Health Promotion, wellness, and evidence-based self-management programs are designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and practices to assist with improving health by working towards an overall healthier lifestyle. Read More!
The Health Promotion Program has taken a step towards a proactive model of care in the use of an evidenced-based chronic disease self-management program known as "Living Well." The "Living Well" program is an opportunity for County seniors to take a proactive stance in their care through a 6-week workshop that creates a person-centered partnership in care management.
Retired Senior and Volunteer Program
The Retired Senior and Volunteer Program provides a variety of interesting and challenging volunteer opportunities to older adults, 55 years and up, at over 50 nonprofit and government agencies.
Foster Grandparent Program
The Foster Grandparent Program provides resources for older volunteers to work with at-risk youth throughout Prince George's County. Participants volunteer at least 15 hours each week and can receive a stipend if income eligible.
Telephone Reassurance Program
The Telephone Reassurance Program recruits community volunteers to place daily reassuring telephone calls to older adults within Prince George's County. The program is designed to help eliminate some of the feelings of loneliness and social isolation faced by senior citizens living alone.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
The Senior Community Service Employment Program is a federally funded program for older adults who seek civic engagement as well as employment and training assistance. Low-income qualifying participants must be at least 55 years old, a resident of Prince George's County, and unemployed.
Senior Nutrition Program
The Senior Nutrition Program provides hot, nutritious meals to those Prince George's County older adults who are 60 years and older. The program promotes healthy eating and independence in both home and group settings in order to meet the nutritional meal needs of older adults.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is authorized by the Older American's Act and Maryland Law to advocate for and protect the rights of residents in long-term care facilities. Long-term care facilities include nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program will assist long-term care residents and their families through investigation, advocacy and mediation.
Medicaid Home and Community-Based Options Waiver
The Medical Home and Community-Based Options Waiver provides individuals 18 years and older the opportunity to remain in a community setting, such as their home or an assisted living facility, even though their advanced age or disability would warrant placement in a long-term care facility.
Money Follows the Person
The Money Follows the Person Program provides assistance to individuals who are transitioning out of a nursing or assisted living facility back into community living. Individuals receive assistance through peer mentoring, as well as coordination and assistance with the transition process.
Community First Choice
The Community First Choice Program provides enhanced services in a home-based setting to Maryland residents who receive Community Medicaid benefits and meet an institutional level of care based on their need for assistance with activities of daily living.
Community Personal Assistance Services
The Community Personal Assistance Services Program is formally known as the Medical Assistance Personal Care Program. This program provides support to individuals who do not meet an institutional level of care but require assistance with their activities of daily living.
Senior Care
The Senior Care Program provides services for older adults who may be at risk for nursing home placement. Services can include personal care, adult day care, financial help for medications, medical and personal supplies, and emergency response systems.
Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy Program
The Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy Program provides financial assistance to eligible low to moderate income older adults residing in assisted living facilities by subsidizing the cost.
Adult Public Guardianship Program
The Adult Public Guardianship Program ensures the ongoing safety and well-being of older adults by professional case managers when the Aging and Disabilities Services Division has been appointed Public Guardian by the Circuit Court.
Project HIRE Disability Apprenticeship Program
The Project HIRE Disability Program provides individuals with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18 and 25 a meaningful paid job training experience with a Prince George's County Government agency.