Senior Employment
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), also known as Title V, provides part-time work-based training opportunities at local community service agencies for older Prince Georgians who have poor employment prospects and are unemployed. SCSEP assists individuals in finding employment opportunities in the community through a variety of supportive services such as personal and job-related counseling, job training, and job referral. SCSEP providers also educate employers about the benefits of hiring older workers.
Hiring Senior Interns is not just a good practice, it's a Best Practice.
Individuals who participate in the program must
• Be a resident of Prince George’s County
• Legally eligible to work in the U.S.• Be at least 55 years of age
• Have an income that does not exceed 125 percent of the federal poverty level (It is strongly recommended that individuals confirm their eligibility results with SCSEP program staff).
Information for Job Seekers
• Veterans and their eligible spouses are encouraged to apply.
• Qualified individuals accepted regardless of your employment history or educational level
How do you become a host agency?
In order to become a host agency, an organization must be a non-profit [501(c)3] or governmental organization.
What are the benefits of being a SCSEP host agency?
SCSEP aims to assist host agencies in contributing to the welfare of their communities by offering the opportunity to work with paid Senior Interns who can assist with day-t0-day operations.
Background Information on National SCSEP
• Between 2000 and 2012 the number of older adults living in poverty rose from 3.3 million to 8.0 million. By 2020, this number is projected to rise to 9.7 million. As a result, more and more older adults need to stay in the workforce well beyond traditional retirement age.
• SCSEP is the only federal job training program focused exclusively to provide jobs and training to low-income older adults 55 and older.