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False Alarm Reduction Unit

Prince George’s County adopted a false alarm ordinance to maximize police resources and reduce the number of false alarm dispatch requests.

Section 9-211 of the Prince George's County Code of Ordinances in Maryland requires residential alarm users to pay a $20.00 permit fee for initial registration and every two (2) years thereafter.  Beginning with the third activation, a $50.00 violation fine will be assessed for false alarms. 

To provide residents with faster, more efficient service, the Prince George’s County False Alarm Reduction Unit online service module includes interactive capabilities to streamline the user experience.  To complete a new registration, renew an existing registration, or make payments, you may do so utilizing the following methods:

Mail:      P.O. Box 715888; Philadelphia, PA 19171-5888 
OnlineFalse Alarm Reduction and Administration
Phone:  855-809-2056 

Email:    PGCSBenforcement.