Incarcerated individuals may use the U.S. Postal Service to send and receive correspondence. The address is:
(Incarcerated individual's Name)
Prince George’s County Correctional Center
13400 Dille Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
All incarcerated individuals' mail must be properly addressed with both the sender and receivers first and last names. Any usage of street names, nicknames, or names other than the incarcerated individuals legal or committed name, will be rejected and not processed.
All personal incoming incarcerated individuals mail, to include greeting cards, must be in a white envelope ONLY. In addition, all correspondence must be drafted on either plain white or standard white lined paper. Any usage of colored stationary paper or stationary paper with images on it will be rejected.
Newspapers and magazines are now acceptable for delivery through the U.S. Mail provided these materials are paid for in advance and are sent directly from the publisher. Inmate accounts may not be used to purchase these items. Publications, including soft cover books, may be accepted for delivery provided they are sent directly from a publisher, vendor, distributor, book club, or bookstore and the packaging is readily identifiable as such. Hard cover items will be rejected. A single publication may not exceed 8.5 inches by 11 inches and cannot be more than three (3) inches thick. Publications that fail to abide by the size restrictions will result in rejection. Magazines will be inspected for “Bill Me Later” requests. These requests will be removed prior to distribution to the incarcerated individual's population. Outgoing “Bill Me Later” requests will not be sent out of the facility and will be disposed of. Magazines and newspapers that are prohibited by the United States Postal Service are not authorized for delivery to an inmate. The Director or designee may exercise discretion to reject a publication if it is determined to be detrimental to the security, good order, or safety of the institution or its occupants or if it might facilitate criminal activity or detract from offender rehabilitation. A publication may be rejected in its entirety. If only a portion is objectionable, the entire publication must be rejected. Sexually explicit material will be rejected.
If the letter, book, magazine or newspaper is rejected, you will be notified and given the reason in writing. To appeal the rejection, utilize the appeal form on the opposite side of the rejection letter. You and the sender of the rejected item will be given twenty (20) days to appeal the rejection in writing. The Deputy Director, Bureau of Operations will respond to the appeal in writing within fourteen (14) business days of receiving the appeal either granting the appeal or proving the legitimate penological concern regarding the item.
incarcerated individual to incarcerated individual mail from other correctional facilities will no longer be accepted unless a written request has been approved by the Director or his designee. This also applies to incarcerated individual to incarcerated individual mail within our correctional facility. Any photographs must be 4x6 or smaller and only five photos will be allowed per envelope. You may only send correspondence.
(Incarcerated individual's Name)
Prince George’s County Correctional Center
13400 Dille Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
All incarcerated individuals' mail must be properly addressed with both the sender and receivers first and last names. Any usage of street names, nicknames, or names other than the incarcerated individuals legal or committed name, will be rejected and not processed.
All personal incoming incarcerated individuals mail, to include greeting cards, must be in a white envelope ONLY. In addition, all correspondence must be drafted on either plain white or standard white lined paper. Any usage of colored stationary paper or stationary paper with images on it will be rejected.
Newspapers and magazines are now acceptable for delivery through the U.S. Mail provided these materials are paid for in advance and are sent directly from the publisher. Inmate accounts may not be used to purchase these items. Publications, including soft cover books, may be accepted for delivery provided they are sent directly from a publisher, vendor, distributor, book club, or bookstore and the packaging is readily identifiable as such. Hard cover items will be rejected. A single publication may not exceed 8.5 inches by 11 inches and cannot be more than three (3) inches thick. Publications that fail to abide by the size restrictions will result in rejection. Magazines will be inspected for “Bill Me Later” requests. These requests will be removed prior to distribution to the incarcerated individual's population. Outgoing “Bill Me Later” requests will not be sent out of the facility and will be disposed of. Magazines and newspapers that are prohibited by the United States Postal Service are not authorized for delivery to an inmate. The Director or designee may exercise discretion to reject a publication if it is determined to be detrimental to the security, good order, or safety of the institution or its occupants or if it might facilitate criminal activity or detract from offender rehabilitation. A publication may be rejected in its entirety. If only a portion is objectionable, the entire publication must be rejected. Sexually explicit material will be rejected.
If the letter, book, magazine or newspaper is rejected, you will be notified and given the reason in writing. To appeal the rejection, utilize the appeal form on the opposite side of the rejection letter. You and the sender of the rejected item will be given twenty (20) days to appeal the rejection in writing. The Deputy Director, Bureau of Operations will respond to the appeal in writing within fourteen (14) business days of receiving the appeal either granting the appeal or proving the legitimate penological concern regarding the item.
incarcerated individual to incarcerated individual mail from other correctional facilities will no longer be accepted unless a written request has been approved by the Director or his designee. This also applies to incarcerated individual to incarcerated individual mail within our correctional facility. Any photographs must be 4x6 or smaller and only five photos will be allowed per envelope. You may only send correspondence.