Employee Training & Professional Development
In Prince George’s County, we pride ourselves on offering professional development and training opportunities to our employees. Throughout the year, training is reviewed and modified to reflect best practices and relevant information. Some trainings are mandatory, while others can be viewed on-demand through NeoGov. to increase competency and personal knowledge.
Course Catalogue:
5 Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Work Environment
- Anti-Bias Policing: Part I & 2
- Bias in Interviewing
- C.A.R.E. About Implicit Bias
- Challenge Organizational Bias
- Consequences of Bias
- Discovering Unconscious Bias
- Diversity in the Workplace: Diversity for All
- Diversity Toolkit: The Inclusion Exclusion Continuum
- Gender Identity: Understanding Gender-Neutral Restrooms in the Workplace
- Gender Identity: Changes Organizations are Making to Increase Awareness
- Issues in Diversity: Be Attentive
- Issues in Diversity Embrace Tough Conversations
- Issues in Diversity: Exercise Compassion
- Issues in Diversity: Expand Horizons
- Issues in Diversity: Share Responsibility
- Issues in Diversity: Speak with Care
- Issues in Diversity Welcome New Perspective
- Implicit Bias in Action
- LGBTQ+ Equality in the Workplace
- Speak Out Against Offensive Workplace Behavior
- The Biased Brian
- Understanding Geographic Identity and Biases
- Understanding and Preventing Microaggressions
- Understanding Gender and Gender Identity
- Understanding Geographic Identity and Biases
- Why Inclusion Matters
Shared Language
- Advocacy – actions that speak in favor of, recommend, argue for, support, or defend. There are three types of advocacy: self-advocacy, individual advocacy, and systems advocacy.
- Culture – a social system of meaning and custom developed by a group of people to assure its adaptation and survival. These groups are distinguished by a set of unspoken rules that shape values, beliefs, habits, patterns of thinking, behaviors, and styles of communication.
- Diversity – the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.
- Equity – the quality of being fair and impartial.
- Inclusion – the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or intellectual disabilities and members of other minority groups.
- Microaggressions – are commonplace ongoing verbal, behavioral or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate or imply hostile or derogatory slights and insults toward culturally marginalized groups. (e.g., asking a person of color, “How did you get your job?” to imply they are not qualified).
- Respect – to admire (someone or something) deeply, because of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
- Systemic/Structural Racism – is a term used in reference to systems in which policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity. It identifies dimension of our history and culture that have allowed privileges associated with ideology of “whiteness” and disadvantages associations with “color” to ensure and adapt over time. Structural racism is not something that a few people or institutions choose to practice. Instead, it has been a feature of the social economic and political system in which we all exist.
- Trust – the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
- Vulnerable Populations – the disadvantaged sub-segment of the community requiring utmost care, specific ancillary considerations, and augmented protections.
- Alliance for Justice. (n.d.). What is advocacy? Definitions and examples. https://mffh.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/AFJ_what-is-advocacy.pdf; West Virginia University, Center for Excellence in Disabilities. (2022). Types of advocacy. West Virginia University. https://cedwvu.org/resources/types-of-advocacy
- Landau, S. I. (2000). Cambridge Dictionary of American English. Cambridge University Press.
- Lenard, P. (2020). Culture. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2020/entries/culture/.