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New Home Drainage Forms

Drainage Complaints

Pursuant to Section § 1-1313 of the Maryland Annotated Code: To evaluate complaints of drainage defects, please complete the attached form and email to For questions, call 301-636-2060.



Improperly Installed Fences May Cause Drainage Problems and Flooding!

Every time it rains, many homeowners experience drainage issues on their properties. Some of these drainage complaints result from improperly installed fences. An improperly installed fence can block storm flows — runoff from storm precipitation — and cause water to pond in your yard or your neighbor’s yard. Blocked water can damage fences, draw mosquitoes and hasten lawn erosion.

Fences must be installed with storm flows in mind to ensure fences don’t block stormwater flows!

For more information, view the Drainage flyer.


Program Addresses Drainage Defects in Newer Homes

DPIE has enhanced its process to address drainage complaints from owners of homes that are five years old or less and whose fine grading permits are still open. The Drainage Defects Complaint Program, which was implemented in October 2020, created enhanced enforcement options to hold builders, developers and engineers associated with new home construction accountable for mistakes related to construction and grading that affect drainage from storm water.

Read more here. . .