Beautification Initiative
The County seeks to instill a sense of pride in all residents by developing a countywide anti-littering campaign as part of the overall Beautification Initiative. The campaign supports enforcement, infrastructure, and policy changes and closely aligns with the County Executive’s “Prince George’s Proud” message. The Initiative promotes pride throughout the County and encourages residents, visitors, and businesses to protect and preserve the environment.
On January 6th, 2020, Prince George’s County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks launched the next phase of the Beautification Initiative based on feedback from residents. We want every Prince Georgian to be "Part of It, Proud of It, and to Keep Our County Clean and Beautiful." Learn more about our efforts last year and the next phase of our campaign by visiting www.pgcproud.com.
Beautification Dashboard
View a snapshot of countywide efforts from residents, partners, and Prince George's County government to reduce litter and illegal dumping, to make our County cleaner and greener!
Click the image below.