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Salary Schedules

FY 2025 - 2026 Salary Schedule Legislation

Salary Schedule Document
A: AFSCME CR-088-2024 AFSCME Master Schedule A 
C-O: Correctional Officers CR-092-2023 Corrections Officials Schedule C-O
D: Correctional Officers CR-113-2021 PGCOA Correctional Officers Schedule D 
F-O: Fire Officials CR-24-2023 Fire Officials Salary Schedule F-O
G: General CR-090-2024 General Schedule G 
NOTE:  General Schedule is only for one year—FY2025.
H: Fire Civilian CR-101-2021 IAFF Civilian Schedule H 
L: Police Sworn CR-11-2023 FOP 89 Salary Schedule L
P: Police Civilian  CR-070-2024 Police Civilians Employees Association Schedule P 
P-O: Police Officials CR-40-2023 Police Officials Salary Schedule P-O
Q: Correctional Officers  CR-109-2022 PGCOA Civilians Salary Schedule Q
S: Sheriff Officials CR-096-2023 Sheriff Officials Schedule S-O
W: Sheriff CR-12-2023 FOP 112 Salary Schedule W
Y: Fire Sworn CR-102-2021 IAFF Sworn Schedule Y 
X: AFSCME (Crossing Guards) CR-091-2024 AFSCME Local 241 Crossing Guards Schedule X
Z: Deputy Sheriff’s Assoc. CR-089-2024 Deputy Sheriff’s Assoc. Civilian Schedule Z

FY 2023 - 2024 Salary Schedule Legislation

Salary Schedule Document
A: AFSCME CR-111-2021 AFSCME Master Schedule A 
C-O: Correctional Officers CR-092-2023 Corrections Officials Schedule C-O
D: Correctional Officers CR-113-2021 PGCOA Correctional Officers Schedule D 
F-O: Fire Officials CR-24-2023 Fire Officials Salary Schedule F-O
G: General CR-107-2021 General Schedule G 
H: Fire Civilian CR-101-2021 IAFF Civilian Schedule H 
L: Police Sworn CR-11-2023 FOP 89 Salary Schedule L
P: Police Civilian  CR-108-2021 Police Civilians Employees Association Schedule P 
P-O: Police Officials CR-40-2023 Police Officials Salary Schedule P-O
Q: Correctional Officers  CR-109-2022 PGCOA Civilians Salary Schedule Q
S: Sheriff Officials CR-096-2023 Sheriff Officials Schedule S-O
W: Sheriff CR-12-2023 FOP 112 Salary Schedule W
Y: Fire Sworn CR-102-2021 IAFF Sworn Schedule Y 
X: AFSCME (Crossing Guards) CR-028-2023 AFSCME Local 241 Crossing Guards Schedule X
Z: Deputy Sheriff’s Assoc. CR-010-2023 Deputy Sheriff’s Assoc. Civilian Schedule Z

FY 2021 - 2022 Salary Schedule Legislation

Salary Schedule Document
A: AFSCME CR-111-2021 AFSCME Master Schedule A
C-O: Correctional Officials CR-118-2021 Corrections Officials Schedule C-O
D: Correctional Officers CR-113-2021 PGCOA Correctional Officers Schedule D
G: General CR-107-2021 General Schedule G 
F-O: Fire Officials CR-117-2021 Fire Officials Schedule F-O
H: Fire Civilian CR-101-2021 IAFF Civilian Schedule H
P: Police Civilian
CR-108-2021 Police Civilians Employees Association Schedule P
Y: Fire Sworn CR-102-2021 IAFF Sworn Schedule Y
X: AFSCME (Crossing Guards) CR-115-2021 AFSCME Local 241 Crossing Guards Schedule X

FY20 Salary Schedule Legislation

2019 Wage & Benefit Policies

Contact Human Resources Management


1400 McCormick Drive
Suite 159
Largo, MD 20774


Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm